特征 任一部分均无阀的平滑开孔产生zui小的压降,并当在相同管 路使用一种以上的介质时,该种接头易于清 洗。 LSQ-RD阴接头及阳接头采用实心棒料加工制造,从而提供 耐用的优质接头,LSQ-RD接头有黄铜及304 不锈钢作为标 准材料。 LSQ-RD材料包括304不锈钢,黄铜。 LSQ-RD系列为一种互换式接头,因为它在规格和功能上可 与其它制造商制造的类似连接件互换使用。 Features the smooth,open bore with no valving in either half offers minimal pressure dropallows easy clesning in applications where the same lines are used for more than one media LSQ - RD couplersnipples are machined from solid barstock provding aquality coupling that isdurable. LSQ - RD couplers are available in brass and304 stainless steel as standard product materials. LSQ - RD nipples are available in 304 stainless steel, brass 4 . The LSQ - RD is an" Interchange" coupling since it dimensionallyfunctionally interchanges with simiar couplings made by other manufactures. |